Unique Innovation Technology made into "The Positive Feedback Writers' Choice Awards 2024 " for Unique Innovation Technology Perfect Music Booster (PMB) Power Cable Series.
"The PMB Power Cable dramatically improved (no joke) overall definition, quiet, impact, soundstage presentation, and imaging. The improvement was not ever subtle. We live in a time with robotic surgery, cars that are just computers on wheels, rockets landing themselves, etc. Why not a power cord that actually improves the performance of your audio system regardless of what components you own. Return them to UITaudio if not satisfied, no problem or question. I use six of them in two systems and am eternally grateful to UITaudio. Therefore, Unique Innovation Technology (UIT) and the Perfect Music Booster Power Cable clearly deserves the Reviewers Choice Award..."
- Editors at Positive Feedback (for Full Article Content)
- Bob Levi, Senior Associate Editor at Large, Positive Feedback (for Sections on UIT)
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Thanks for the positive review from Bob Levi, Senior Editor at Large, Positive Feedback and other editors for the publish on Positive Feedback.
Unique Innovation Technology Team